May Plan-with me

For my bujo planning in May, I wanted to do a pretty lavender theme with lots of stars and experiment with different forms of habit trackers. I have included new journal prompts and a page to track TV episodes I've watched over the month. Hope you like it and make sure to leave any ideas in the comment section below!
As you can see, my planner is nowhere near perfect but I really enjoy the consistent habit of journalling twice a day and I find that tracking habits makes me so much more likely to do them!

First Spread

For the first spread in my May setup, I have included a nice title page with the calendar setup and a list of birthdays so I don't forget them!
On the second page, I have added a nice quote (which sums up the current situation) and allowed a space to cross off the episodes of three shows I'm currently watching.

Second Spread

For my habits page, I found that April's tracker was too small and I kept on marking the wrong things! I used a small calendar setup so that I can dot the days I completed the habit and cross off the days I don't. I could only fit nine on the page so the habits are a bit more generic (like morning/evening routine, write etc) so I'm not too sure how it will work but I'll see how it goes!
The mood tracker underneath will be colour-coded so I will use one colour in the morning and one in the evening.

Third Spread

The third spread for May is my journal prompts! I had a nice time writing these up and I hope you take the time to use them too :) Normally I answer the question in my morning entry. It is a small but effective way to mindfully consider something you wouldn't normally think about and set you up for the day.

All the prompts are on a separate blog post that will be up now!

Enjoy xx
